Sunday, January 20, 2013

Christian Living - Strength

Life is hard and full of trials, and we sometimes wonder if we can withstand all of the sufferings. We try to overcome them on our own strength but fall short. By taking up the yoke of Jesus, we find that he gives us the strength we need. In fact, he becomes our strength and carries the load for us.

Listen to Christian Living - Strength

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Christian Living - Introduction

Today is Epiphany, which reminds us of “the manifestation of Christ to the Gentiles as represented by the Magi (Matthew 2:1–12).”  We are going to explore a different kind of epiphany today, one where we glean an insight on what it means to live a Christian life.  This is an introduction to a series on Christian Living that we will explore between now and Lent.

Listen to Christian Living - Introduction