Sunday, December 15, 2019

God's Promises: Emmanuel (Chris)

We conclude our series on God’s Promises.  During this lesson, we look at three key OT figures – Abraham, Moses, and David – and how their lives offer a perspective on faith, foundation, and followership, and then turn to the NT to see how Mary, Joseph, and Elizabeth follow the same archetypes.  We’ll pull it together by returning to the original covenantal promise to Abraham and show how it was fulfilled by Jesus through his birth thousands of years later.  We hope you will join us!

Listen to God's Promises: Emmanuel
Lesson Plan
Video mentioned at end of class

Sunday, December 8, 2019

God's Promises: King Rehoboam and The Consequences of Ignoring God (Chris)

The saga of King David and King Solomon reaches an unwelcome end in the largely forgotten King Rehoboam.  Inheriting power and potential glory, Rehoboam causes the division of Israel and the helps along its eventual destruction.  His story is a lesson in the consequences of disobedience to God.  It also highlights how Jesus provides a perfect counter-example for us to follow as we seek to avoid damage and to seek blessings in our own lives. 

Listen to King Rehoboam and The Consequences of Ignoring God
Lesson Plan