Sunday, March 25, 2018

Praying the Psalms: Emotions at Work #3 - Trust and Fear (Chris)

This lesson continues the connection between prayer and emotion.  How do the Psalms provide guidance for us in addressing life's challenges and opportunities, specifically "Trust" and "Fear"?  We are taught to trust in God in order to overcome fear.  What does that really mean and how do we do it?  The answer comes back to the most basic teaching in all of the Bible: love God and love each other as ourselves.

Listen to Emotions at Work, Trust and Fear
Lesson Plan

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Praying the Psalms: Declaring the Glory of God, Psalm 19 (Randy)

C.S. Lewis said of Psalm 19, “I take this to be the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in the world.”  Indeed, its effusive praise for God’s general revelation through nature and special revelation through Scripture introduces us to an integrative understanding of God that moves us to a response.  Knowing that Jesus embodies the full law only heightens the response.

Listen to Declaring the Glory of God, Psalm 19
Lesson Plan

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Praying the Psalms: Emotions at Work #2 - Anticipation and Sadness (Chris)

The lesson is the second in a sub-series connecting the Psalms to our emotions and everyday lives.  This week, we examine "Anticipation" and "Sadness".  Anticipation has both a negative side (anxiety) and positive side (confidence).  How do we harness this emotion productively?  Likewise, sadness is a natural part of life.  How do the Psalms teach us to support others who are sad and to act when we are sad ourselves?  Most of all, how does Jesus model anticipation and sadness for us?

Listen to Emotions at Work, Anticipation and Sadness
Lesson Plan