Sunday, February 25, 2018

Praying the Psalms: Emotions at Work #1 - Surprise and Disgust (Chris)

If the Psalms are "Jesus Own Prayers," how do we use them in everyday life?  Truthfully, the language can be old-fashioned and some of the references off-putting.  Yet, the the Psalms speak to universal human experience and are meant to support us and our faith as much today as they did hundreds or thousands of years ago. 

This lesson is the first in a sub-series exploring "8 Primary Emotions" and how the Psalms teach us how to harness them positively in our lives.  We also will connect the message of specific Psalms to Jesus and his teachings.  This week starts with "Surprise" and "Disgust".  We will explore the negative side (disappointment, betrayal) and positive side (excitement) of surprises.  We also look at how to react when we are disgusted or if we disgust someone else.

Lesson Plan

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Praying the Psalms: Praying Through Fear, Psalms 3 and 27 (Randy)

More than any other emotion, fear drives our behavior in ways that we don’t even recognize.  We try to manage our fears and the behaviors that manifest from them, but fall short every time. This hurts our relationships and costs us peace.  God wants us to fear him, however, and that begins by turning to him in prayer to work through our natural fears.  Only when we do that can God give us the peace that passes all understanding.

Listen to Praying Through Fear, Psalms 3 and 27
Lesson Plan

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Praying the Psalms: The Sovereignty of God, Part 2 (Chris)

The Psalms are a guide to prayer to and to effective Christian life.  This lesson continues the exploration of how the Psalms offer a unique perspective on God and human experience.  We also consider how Jesus is at the heart of each Psalm as he inspired them, prayed them himself while he was on earth, and walks beside us as we seek to harness their power.  Using Psalms 8, 13, 18, and 19, we then take an initial look at how God’s sovereignty as Creator and Giver of the Law is reflected in the Psalms.  The word for us in response is “confidence.”  The Psalms should make us confident in the ultimately positive outcome of whatever we face in life.

Listen to The Sovereignty of God, Part 2
Lesson Plan