Sunday, December 12, 2021

Practical Grace: Advent Conclusion (Randy)

We conclude our series on Practical Grace with a lesson called “Preparing for Home.”  The Advent season calls us to prepare our hearts for Jesus to be born anew within them, and our homes for him to live with us. When we do, Jesus enters in and, as the 19th Century preacher and author Phillips Brooks wrote in his carol, O Little Town of Bethlehem, “God imparts to human hearts the blessings of his heav’n.”  Those blessings are a gift of grace from our savior.  A gift that transforms our hearts and enables us to live abundant lives. Join us as we reflect on this gift of grace this Advent season.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Practical Grace: True Identity (Chris)

This series has explored a vital question: how do we supernaturally transform from being tossed and turned by the world to being anchored strongly in the security of faith in God through Jesus Christ?  This week's lesson returns to where we started: 1 Corinthians 13.  The Apostle Paul helps us to see that our central issue is IDENTITY.  Spiritual transformation in our hearts and our lives occurs when we see ourselves as God does and not through our own limited awareness.  This amazing gift -- won for us on the Cross and delivered through the Holy Spirit -- changes everything about us and how we live.  Please join us for a message of truly Good News.