Sunday, January 31, 2016

Symbols in the Bible: the Numbers 4 and 12 – “Political Christians” (Chris)

As Christians, we believe that the Bible is God’s Revealed Word.  We are spending a few weeks on symbols that we see repeated in Scripture, what they mean, and how they help us better understand God and ourselves.  Today, we’re going to explore the numbers 4 and 12.  In this season of politics in America, it turns out that these two numbers offer us instruction on how to make political decisions and what kind of role in politics to pursue as Christians.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Symbolism in the Bible: Imperfect 6 (Randy)

Writers of the Bible use the number 6 to depict man’s weakness, corruption, and imperfection.  Time and time again, we see examples of mankind attempting to live without God, falling into constant sin and rebellion, and the Bible brings the point home through the number 6. Christ transformed it, though, suffering on the cross for 6 hours to atone for mankind’s sin and dying at the beginning of the 7th hour to complete God’s plan of redemption.   

Listen to Symbolism in the Bible: Imperfect 6

Lesson Plan

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Symbols in the Bible: the Numbers 40, 3, and 7 (Chris)

As Christians, we believe that the Bible is God’s Revealed Word.  We are spending a few weeks on symbols that we see repeated in Scripture, what they mean, and how they help us better understand God and ourselves.  Today, we’re going to explore the numbers 40, 3, and 7.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Symbolism in the Bible: 40 Days of Trials (Randy)

The Bible uses a wide range of symbols to communicate meaning, including the use of numbers.  Writers used the number 40 to symbolize times of tests and trials.  Jesus was tested for 40 days in the desert, too, and later transformed how we go through trials by remaining on earth for 40 days after his resurrection.

Listen to 40 Days of Trials

Lesson Plan