Sunday, February 10, 2019

Living the Bible - Genesis Edition: The Great Flood (Randy)

Noah’s Ark is one of the most familiar stories in the Old Testament, yet we tend to remember the childhood cartoon version of it.  A man and his family gather up the earth’s animals and enter the ark on faith, survive a terrible flood, and then repopulate the earth. But this skips over the important fact that God judges the earth and unleashes his terrible wrath. How do we as moderns reconcile this terrible image of God with our notion that he is a God of love and mercy?

Sunday, February 3, 2019

Living the Bible - Genesis Edition: Justice, Love, and Generosity part 2 (Chris)

Continuing the prior lesson, we explore how the story of Cain and Abel focuses on generosity and illuminates the justice of God and the love of God.  We see how we can be like Cain ourselves if and when we pursue our relationship with God selfishly and out of obligation rather than love.  Even then, we conclude that God loves us no matter what.

Listen to Living the Bible -Genesis Edition: Justice, Love, and Generosity part 2
Lesson Plan