Sunday, October 31, 2021

Practical Grace: Blessed Self-Forgetfulness (Chris)

In every age and stage of life, our egos can be our worst enemies.  Each accomplishment can inflate our pride and each failure can make us deflated and depressed.  The human condition is a roller-coaster of concern about what others think of us and what we think about ourselves.

In 1 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul shows us another way.  How can we forget ourselves to the point where we not only cease caring what others think, but we even fail to care what we think of ourselves?  Instead, how do we rest and rejoice in what God thinks of us?  What the world calls "Humility" can be something dramatically better and more powerful for Disciples of Christ.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Practical Grace: True Tolerance (Chris)

This week's lesson relates directly to the unease and upheaval we see all around us in our church, in our community, in our city, and in our country.  How are we called to live as Christians in a time of radical disagreement and discord?  The world teaches either obvious intolerance (reject those with whom you disagree) or a false tolerance (promote diversity and inclusion but only for those who share your views).  Neither of these approaches is consistent with a supernaturally changed heart according to the example of Jesus Christ.  True Tolerance comes through Receptive Grace: divinely-inspired consideration of others and self-sacrificial engagement with them.

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Practical Grace: Resting Grace

We continue our series on "Practical Grace" with a lesson on “Resting Grace.” In his Last Discourse, Jesus promises to give us peace and we often repeat this in the church's benediction, “May the peace of Christ be always with you.” But what does it really mean? What is this peace, and how do we get it?  We explore these questions in this lesson.

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Practical Grace: Befriending Grace (Randy)

We continue our series on "Practical Grace" with a lesson on “Befriending Grace.” What is the true nature of a friend, and how can we be better friends to those around us?  By shifting from a self-centered view to a Christ-centered one, we can experience befriending grace in a whole new way.