Sunday, November 22, 2020

Living in Opposition to Discrimination (Chris)

While the world is tribal, God is universal.  Jesus taught us to commune with all people.  An inspiring story of a black girl and a white teacher from the Civil Rights Movement shows us how Discipleship is expressed in real life with compassion and courage.

Watch Living in Opposition to Discrimination

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Living with Rejection: Working Toward Social Justice (Randy)

We are living in a tumultuous time.  Our economic, social, and political orders are all evolving and shifting.  Our city streets are filled with protests and counter-protests.  Social media is awash with strong opinions.  People around us are taking sides on all kinds of issues.  Friends have distanced themselves from us because of things we have said or done.  Perhaps you have ventured into this melee, or perhaps you have held back for fear of being “canceled.”

How do we navigate these tricky times as Christians?  How do we think about social justice from a Christian perspective?  How do we deal with the rejection that will surely come simply because we take a Christian view?  Using the examples of Jeremiah, Martin Luther King, Jr., John Wesley, and Jesus, we will examine how we can participate in bringing God’s just kingdom to earth while facing the opposition that it will bring.

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Living with Injustice (Chris)

There is a divine order and fairness which the world often falls short of.  We both can experience injustice and can be a cause of it.  Using the Old Testament story of Joseph, we will look at Godly responses to injustice including faith, integrity, and love.  We also recognize that the ultimate injustice was Christ dying on the cross.  Thankfully, God is able to use injustice to produce blessings.