Monday, October 28, 2019

God's Promises: Gideon and the Leverage of Active Faith (Chris)

In the Book of Judges chapters 6-8, God used Gideon as a means to show tremendous power in the world and to deliver Israel from its enemies.  Jesus taught similarly that aligning ourselves with God’s purpose can produce miracles.  How should we use this power as Disciples of Christ?

Listen to Gideon and the Leverage of Active Faith
Lesson Plan

Sunday, October 20, 2019

God's Promises: Possessing the Promised Land (Randy)

After 40 years in the desert, Joshua finally led the Israelites into the promised land.  The Lord paved the way by enabling them to cross the Jordan River, and they succeeded as long as they remained obedient. In the same way, through our baptism and acceptance of Jesus, we cross from death to life, and that life is abundant as long as we remain obedient.

Listen to God's Promises: Possessing the Promised Land
Lesson Plan

Sunday, October 6, 2019

God's Promises: Promised Land (Chris)

This class explores the concept of “Promised Land” in relation to ancient Israel, to the teachings of Christ, and to a modern example referencing both of the others – the American Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and 1960s.  We ask four questions about each period: what is the Promised Land, where is the Promised Land, how do we get to the Promised Land, and when do we go to the Promised Land?  One conclusion is that Christian disciples see the fulfillment of God’s promises not only in a heavenly future but in a more Godly world here and now.

Listen to God's Promises: Promised Land
Lesson Plan