Sunday, October 25, 2020

Living With Political Divisions as Christian Disciples (Chris)

How are Christians to behave in a world with rampant division and discord?  We know that even sincere believers disagree.  How should we engage productively in politics?  This week, we will examine how Truth and Power interact in the Bible.  We also will explore teachings from Christ and the Apostle Paul that suggest a universal and positive way of being Christian political disciples.

At an even more divided time in U.S. history, President Lincoln famously implored his countrymen and women to pursue "the better angels of our nature."  We can heed his advice by becoming A.N.G.E.L.S. ourselves -- active, humble, compassionate citizens who:  Acknowledge  Neighbors,  Generously  Engage, and  Love  Selflessly.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Living with Anxiety: Finding Peace in God's Voice (Randy)

The pandemic, social unrest, and political uncertainty have caused high levels of depression and anxiety.  People are struggling with fear, isolation, lack of motivation, and so much more.  They are worried about the election and what it all means for the country.  How can we quell the storms?  How do we achieve peace?  Through the story of Elijah, we recognize how we got ourselves into this situation and remember how God leads us out of it.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Living with Adversity: Overcoming Fear (Chris)

Fear is natural and normal.  However, an epidemic of fear and anxiety has produced chronic mental and physical challenges in modern life.  Fear and responses to it appear throughout the Bible.  Perhaps the most prominent and useful example is that of the Apostle Peter.  How did Peter overcome debilitating fear to become "The Rock" on which Christianity was built, and what can we learn from his example?