Sunday, September 17, 2023

Grace: A World of Ungrace (Randy)

Grace is one of the most unnatural things in the world, and it is unique to our Christian faith. However, we live in a culture of ungrace which makes it difficult for us to accept God’s grace and live the transformed lives God promises. Where does this ungrace come from, and how do we overcome it? Join us tomorrow to explore these questions.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Grace: Transformational Grace (Chris)

Grace is one of the most important concepts in Christian belief.  It is the essence of our salvation and the means by which we are restored to a right relationship with God through the redemption of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit.  Nonetheless, grace can be hard to understand and can seem difficult to obtain.

Our series this fall explores God's grace and how it has been illuminated and experienced by some of the great Christian believers and teachers through the ages.  The first program is based on a sermon by Rev. Tim Keller, "The Grace of God," and focuses on Ephesians 2 verses 1-10.

This week, we will explore what grace is, why it is critical to our faith, and how it is delivered and received.  In particular, we will consider grace as indispensable, costly, and transformational.