Sunday, April 24, 2016

Symbolism in the Bible: Blood (Randy)

Blood in the Bible represents both death and life, and like water, shows how God works in the world.  He judges, saves, and ultimately reconciles us to him through the blood of Christ. 

Listen to the Symbolism of Blood

Lesson Plan 

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Symbolism in the Bible: Water (Randy)

Biblical writers wrote during a time when water was one of the most precious resources. They lived in an arid climate where drought brought famine and war cut off water supplies.  On the other hand, rain and full cisterns meant a good harvest and plenty to drink.  Water in the Bible represents both punishment and blessing. Ultimately, Jesus transformed it to represent eternal life. 

Listen to the Symbolism of Water
Lesson Plan 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Gospel of Thomas (Bruce Jones)

Bruce Jones from the Passages class at PRUMC examines The Gospel of Thomas.  Bruce adds:

From a recent daily missive by Richard Rohr: “Remember, it's God in you that loves God. You, on your own, don't really know how to love God. It's Christ in you that recognizes Christ. It's the Holy Spirit, whose temple you are (see 1 Corinthians 3:16), that responds to the Holy Spirit. Like recognizes like. That's why all true cognition is really recognition ("re-cognition" or knowing something again). Only so far as you have surrendered to Christ and allowed the Christ in you to come to fullness can you love Christ. It's Christ in you that recognizes and loves Christ.”

Listen the The Gospel of Thomas

View Presentation