“There has never been a gift offered that makes you swallow your pride
to the depth that the gift of Jesus Christ requires us to do. Christmas means that we are so lost, so
unable to save ourselves, that nothing less than the death of the Son of God
himself could save us. That means you
are not somebody who can pull yourself together and live a moral and
good life.” [Hidden Christmas by Tim Keller]
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Sunday, December 9, 2018
The Heart of Faith: UnJoy (Randy)
The Christmas season offers a time to remember
how much God wants for us. Yet we lose sight of him in the hustle and bustle of
life, and that saps the joy from our lives.
God offered the ultimate gift – our Savior Jesus Christ – to redeem us
from our UnJoy and restore us to a life full of abundant joy.
Listen to Heart of Faith: UnJoy
Lesson Plan
Listen to Heart of Faith: UnJoy
Lesson Plan
Sunday, December 2, 2018
The Heart of Faith: UnServe (Chris)
lives as disciples focus on loving God and loving each other. Earlier
lessons explored trust and obedience as ways in which we love God. This
class considers service as the primary way in which we love each other.
Service means many different things, but the most important and
accessible also is the most simple: be kind.
Listen to Heat of Faith: UnServe
Lesson Plan
Listen to Heat of Faith: UnServe
Lesson Plan
Sunday, November 18, 2018
The Heart of Faith: UnThankful (Chris)
In keeping with the season, we explore the topic of "UN-Thankfulness." There are powerful teachings in the Bible related to harvest and gratitude. What is thankfulness? What did Jesus give thanks for? How do we apply gratitude to our lives as Christ's Disciples? What impact should thankfulness have on us and on our faith?
Listen to Heart of Faith: UnThankful
Lesson Plan
Whiteboard Notes
Sunday, November 11, 2018
The Heart of Faith: Hope (Randy)
For all the pain and suffering we
endure in this life, our faith gives us the ultimate resource to face the
future: hope. Jesus’s death and
resurrection guarantees that we can place our hope in him.
Listen to the Heart of Faith: Hope
Lesson Plan
Sunday, November 4, 2018
The Heart of Faith: UnMercy (Randy)
We live in a world that shows little mercy for
those in need or those who committed some minor infraction. We sit in
self-righteous judgment of them, failing to realize we are guilty of some of
the very same things we think they have done.
Jesus grants us mercy through the cross, and it is on us to respond by
becoming merciful.
Listen to the Heart of Faith: UnMercy
Lesson Plan
Listen to the Heart of Faith: UnMercy
Lesson Plan
Sunday, October 28, 2018
The Heart of Faith:UnObedience (Chris)
Chris explores our relationship with God through one of his favorite stories, The Lion,
The Witch and The Wardrobe. Listen to how C.S. Lewis's beloved
fantasy captures well our human reality.
Listen to the Heart of Faith: UnObedience
Lesson Plan
Listen to the Heart of Faith: UnObedience
Lesson Plan
Sunday, October 21, 2018
The Heart of Faith: UnEpic (Randy)
Epic stories stir our hearts and
motivate us to do something worthy with our lives. Yet our quest for an epic journey to be
important or build something big can lead us astray and focus our heart on the
wrong things. Jesus lived and died an
Un-Epic life so we can find peace in the only thing that matters: our
relationship with God.
Listen to the Heart of Faith: UnEpic
Lesson Plan
Sunday, October 14, 2018
The Heart of Faith: UnTrust (Chris)
Americans’ confidence in their
leaders and institutions has declined to all-time lows. With Un-Trust
rampant on our society, how should Christians engage in politics? How do
our commitments to love God and love each other translate into areas of social
division and discord? A Biblical story from ancient Babylon and the
attitude of Jesus himself towards power and authority provide guidance.
Listen to the Heart of Faith: UnTrust
Lesson Plan
Listen to the Heart of Faith: UnTrust
Lesson Plan
Sunday, September 30, 2018
The Heart of Faith: UnGrace (Randy)
We live in a state of “Ungrace” characterized by
judgement, criticism, and charged emotions.
That should not be! Only when we
return to the cross and understand how Jesus bears the burdens of our Ungrace
so that we can live in his grace do we begin to become gracious people toward
Listen to the Heart of Faith: Ungrace
Lesson Plan
Listen to the Heart of Faith: Ungrace
Lesson Plan
Sunday, September 23, 2018
The Heart of Faith: Inputs and Outputs (Chris)
week, we discussed developing the Habits of faith. This week we examine
how those Habits manifest themselves in our everyday lives. Focusing in
the "Inputs" of life (what surrounds us) rather than on the
"Outputs" of life (what we experience) helps our Heads better connect
with our Hearts in faith
Listen to the Heart of Faith: Inputs and Outputs
Lesson Plan
Listen to the Heart of Faith: Inputs and Outputs
Lesson Plan
Sunday, September 16, 2018
The Heart of Faith: Head, Heart, and Habit (Chris)
Habit comes from the Holy Spirit as we acknowledge God the Father with our heads and connect with God the Son in our hearts. Three ways that we can develop active faith are "dwelling" with God, "pretending" to be more like Jesus, and seeking "Constant Communion" with God.
Listen to Heart of Faith: Head, Heart, and Habit
Lesson Plan
Sunday, September 9, 2018
The Heart of Faith:Introduction (Randy)
We worship God, yet we follow the idols of our
heart. We want to be better Christians,
yet the distractions of the world make it difficult to live with perfect
faith. We believe, yet our “unbeliefs”
get in our way. Jesus’s work on the
cross resolves this conflict for us, but we must internalize that good news to
truly get to the heart of our faith.
Listen to Heart of Faith: Introduction
Lesson Plan
Listen to Heart of Faith: Introduction
Lesson Plan
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Prayers to Live By (Chris)
Prayer is essential to a faithful life, and we are instructed by the
Bible to pray constantly: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all
circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise the words of prophets, but
test everything; hold fast to what is good; abstain from every form of evil.” [1 Thessalonians 5:16-22] Our prayers should have at least six aspects over time:
- Prayer of worship – “rejoice always, pray without ceasing”
- Prayer of thanksgiving – “give thanks in all circumstances”
- Prayer of confession – “abstain from every form of evil”
- Prayer of petition – “do not despise the words of prophets, but test everything”
- Prayer of connection – “hold fast to what is good”
- Prayer of acceptance – “do not quench the Spirit”
Lesson Plan
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Summary (Chris and Randy)
At first blush, the Book of Psalms challenge and
even offend us with their brutal honesty and calls for God’s justice. As we dig deeper and read them through the
lens of Christ, we see how they reflect the entire human experience – not just
what we are feeling on a given day. Over
time, as we meditate and reflect on them, the psalms teach us the rich language
of prayer, and deeper prayer brings us closer to God. In this summary lesson, we reflect on the
main lessons from our study of the psalms.
Listen to Praying the Psalms: Summary
Lesson Plan (Randy)
Lesson Plan (Chris)
Listen to Praying the Psalms: Summary
Lesson Plan (Randy)
Lesson Plan (Chris)
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Praying the Psalms: The Lord's Prayer (Chris)
The Lord’s Prayer appears in Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4. The Lord’s Prayer is Jesus’ instruction on how to interact directly with God. It also is a model for all other forms of prayer.
Listen to Praying the Psalms: The Lord's Prayer
Lesson Plan
Sunday, April 22, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Psalm 16 - Learning to Pray (Randy)
How do we pray? Do we pray with
the same reverence that the disciples would have brought to their prayers? I don’t know about you, but I struggle with
it at times. I would argue that most of
us focus our prayer energy on winning God’s favor and getting him to do things
for us. The psalms teach us that we have
this backwards. The purpose of prayer is
not to question God, but to answer him. It is not to win his favor, but for him
to win our hearts. It is not to bend his
will to ours, but to bend ours to his.
Prayer is about coming to know Jesus and learning to live like him. Using Psalm 16 as our guide, this lesson
explores how we might rethink our prayers as a way to know our Lord.
Listen to Praying the Psalms: Learning to Pray
Lesson Plan
Listen to Praying the Psalms: Learning to Pray
Lesson Plan
Sunday, April 15, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Psalm 22 (Randy)
Jesus cried on the cross, “My God, my God, way
have you forsaken me!” These words haunt
us as we imagine him nailed to the cross, dying an excruciating death for
crimes he didn’t commit. But what did he
really mean? Did he really think God had
forsaken him, or did he have something else in mind? Psalm 22 helps us unpack the mystery of the
cross, giving us a greater understanding of our faith and how God hears our
Listen to Praying the Psalms: Psalm 22
Lesson Plan
Listen to Praying the Psalms: Psalm 22
Lesson Plan
Sunday, April 8, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Emotions at Work #4 - Joy and Anger (Chris)
and anger are the focus of this lesson on Psalms. True joy reflects our
connection with God. Its absence may indicate that we are not as well
aligned with God as we should be. Anger can be a righteous reaction to
injustice, but more often it is a prideful response to not getting our own way. Connecting these emotions to Easter week, we see how Christ's disciples
found true joy after the resurrection while those who despised Christ were
consumed even more by their unrighteous anger. How do we find righteous
Listen to Emotions at Work #4 - Joy and Anger
Lesson Plan
Listen to Emotions at Work #4 - Joy and Anger
Lesson Plan
Sunday, March 25, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Emotions at Work #3 - Trust and Fear (Chris)
lesson continues the connection between prayer and emotion. How do the
Psalms provide guidance for us in addressing life's challenges and opportunities,
specifically "Trust" and "Fear"? We are taught to
trust in God in order to overcome fear. What does that really mean and
how do we do it? The answer comes back to the most basic teaching in all
of the Bible: love God and love each other as ourselves.
Listen to Emotions at Work, Trust and Fear
Lesson Plan
Listen to Emotions at Work, Trust and Fear
Lesson Plan
Sunday, March 18, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Declaring the Glory of God, Psalm 19 (Randy)
C.S. Lewis said of Psalm 19, “I take this to be
the greatest poem in the Psalter and one of the greatest lyrics in the
world.” Indeed, its effusive praise for
God’s general revelation through nature and special revelation through
Scripture introduces us to an integrative understanding of God that moves us to
a response. Knowing that Jesus embodies
the full law only heightens the response.
Listen to Declaring the Glory of God, Psalm 19
Lesson Plan
Listen to Declaring the Glory of God, Psalm 19
Lesson Plan
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Emotions at Work #2 - Anticipation and Sadness (Chris)
lesson is the second in a sub-series connecting the Psalms to our emotions and
everyday lives. This week, we examine "Anticipation" and
"Sadness". Anticipation has both a negative side (anxiety) and
positive side (confidence). How do we harness this emotion productively?
Likewise, sadness is a natural part of life. How do the Psalms
teach us to support others who are sad and to act when we are sad ourselves?
Most of all, how does Jesus model anticipation and sadness for us?
Listen to Emotions at Work, Anticipation and Sadness
Lesson Plan
Listen to Emotions at Work, Anticipation and Sadness
Lesson Plan
Sunday, February 25, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Emotions at Work #1 - Surprise and Disgust (Chris)
the Psalms are "Jesus Own Prayers," how do we use them in everyday
life? Truthfully, the language can be old-fashioned and some of the
references off-putting. Yet, the the Psalms speak to universal human
experience and are meant to support us and our faith as much today as they did
hundreds or thousands of years ago.
This lesson is the first in a sub-series exploring "8 Primary Emotions" and how the Psalms teach us how to harness them positively in our lives. We also will connect the message of specific Psalms to Jesus and his teachings. This week starts with "Surprise" and "Disgust". We will explore the negative side (disappointment, betrayal) and positive side (excitement) of surprises. We also look at how to react when we are disgusted or if we disgust someone else.
Lesson PlanThis lesson is the first in a sub-series exploring "8 Primary Emotions" and how the Psalms teach us how to harness them positively in our lives. We also will connect the message of specific Psalms to Jesus and his teachings. This week starts with "Surprise" and "Disgust". We will explore the negative side (disappointment, betrayal) and positive side (excitement) of surprises. We also look at how to react when we are disgusted or if we disgust someone else.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Praying Through Fear, Psalms 3 and 27 (Randy)
More than any other emotion, fear drives our
behavior in ways that we don’t even recognize.
We try to manage our fears and the behaviors that manifest from them,
but fall short every time. This hurts our relationships and costs us
peace. God wants us to fear him,
however, and that begins by turning to him in prayer to work through our
natural fears. Only when we do that can
God give us the peace that passes all understanding.
Listen to Praying Through Fear, Psalms 3 and 27
Lesson Plan
Listen to Praying Through Fear, Psalms 3 and 27
Lesson Plan
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Praying the Psalms: The Sovereignty of God, Part 2 (Chris)
The Psalms are a guide to prayer to and to effective
Christian life. This lesson continues the exploration of how the Psalms offer a
unique perspective on God and human experience. We also consider how
Jesus is at the heart of each Psalm as he inspired them, prayed them himself
while he was on earth, and walks beside us as we seek to harness their
power. Using Psalms 8, 13, 18, and 19, we then take an initial look at
how God’s sovereignty as Creator and Giver of the Law is reflected in the
Psalms. The word for us in response is “confidence.” The Psalms
should make us confident in the ultimately positive outcome of whatever we face
in life.
Listen to The Sovereignty of God, Part 2
Lesson Plan
Sunday, January 28, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Getting Honest with God, Psalm 73 (Randy)
So often our prayers are either rote or laden
with a self-serving wish list. We treat
prayer as a perfunctory exercise or a chance to ask a genie in the bottle to
grant us our every wish. At the same
time, we are afraid to be really honest with God. We bottle up our emotions or vent them on
others, but we feel guilty taking them to God in prayer. Yet that is exactly what he wants us to do:
to pray honestly and work through our emotions with him.
Listen to Getting Honest with God
Lesson Plan
Listen to Getting Honest with God
Lesson Plan
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Praying the Psalms: The Sovereignty of God, Part 1 (Chris)
The Psalms are a guide to prayer to and to effective
Christian life. This lesson begins by exploring how the Psalms offer a
unique perspective on God and human experience. We also consider how
Jesus is at the heart of each Psalm as he inspired them, prayed them himself
while he was on earth, and walks beside us as we seek to harness their
power. Using Psalms 8, 13, 18, and 19, we then take an initial look at
how God’s sovereignty as Creator and Giver of the Law is reflected in the
Psalms. The word for us in response is “confidence.” The Psalms
should make us confident in the ultimately positive outcome of whatever we face
in life.
Listen to The Sovereignty of God, Part 1
Lesson Plan
Sunday, January 14, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Psalm 2 (Randy)
While Psalm 1 warns us about the danger of being
overly attracted to the world, Psalm 2 reminds us not to be intimidated by the
world. We all have authority figures in
our lives who pressure us, from parents to government officials. Yet we must recognize that Jesus is Lord of
all, and by serving him we can both honor and respect authorities without being
threatened by them.
Listen to Praying the Psalms: Psalm 2
Lesson Plan
Listen to Praying the Psalms: Psalm 2
Lesson Plan
Sunday, January 7, 2018
Praying the Psalms: Introduction to the Psalms with Psalm 1 (Randy)
The Psalms were Jesus’s prayer book. He prayed constantly to the Father, and very
often quoted the Psalms when doing so.
Today, we tend to be more perfunctory in our prayers, or focus on
physical health and well being over spiritual health and well being. With the Psalms as our guide, we can learn to
pray more honestly and meaningfully to God.
In this introductory lesson, we examine Psalm 1 as the “main entrance to
the mansion” of the Psalms.
Listen to Praying the Psalms: Introduction to the Psalms
Lesson Plan
Listen to Praying the Psalms: Introduction to the Psalms
Lesson Plan
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