We conclude our series on Grace by reflecting
on the true meaning of grace and thinking about it through John Newton’s famous
hymn, Amazing Grace. Though not a traditional Christmas hymn, it
does invite us to think deeply about the true meaning of Christmas.
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Grace: Grace, Peace, and Christmas (Chris)
Something sacred and
wonderful happened at the birth of Jesus Christ. So much so that echoes
of the blessings delivered by God in that moment echo today even in our very
secular and selfish society.
Advent is a time of reflection and preparation. This Advent season seems especially marred by division, discord, and distress. What is the Gospel message for us in our day and time?
Our lesson this week puts the current world into context based on God's revealed plan for Creation. We will celebrate the birth of our Savior and consider how his life and teaching equip us to be blessed by God's grace and to enjoy God's peace at Christmas and always.
Advent is a time of reflection and preparation. This Advent season seems especially marred by division, discord, and distress. What is the Gospel message for us in our day and time?
Our lesson this week puts the current world into context based on God's revealed plan for Creation. We will celebrate the birth of our Savior and consider how his life and teaching equip us to be blessed by God's grace and to enjoy God's peace at Christmas and always.
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Grace: The Grace of Christmas Peace (Randy)
Luke’s famous passage on the birth of Christ promises
“peace on earth and good will toward men.” But where is this peace? The world
is still on fire, and there are plenty of divisions within our society. Even
inner peace is hard to come by. Yet God’s promises are true, so the angels must
have been talking about something else when they promised peace on earth. In
this lesson—The Grace of Christmas Peace—we explore why Jesus was
born and how that makes all the difference in our lives.
Sunday, November 19, 2023
Grace: The Grace of the Gospel (Randy)
In this lesson, we look at the “Grace of the Gospel.”
Sometimes we forget what the gospel message really is and how it can transform
our lives. Here, we go back to some of the basics and view the
gospel message through Paul’s letter to the Galatians. What is the good
news, and why does it matter? In this season of Thanksgiving, let’s
reflect on all that God has done for us.
Sunday, November 12, 2023
Grace: ThanksGIVING (Chris)
As we approach a uniquely
American holiday, we will reflect this week on how Thanksgiving helps us to
understand God's universal grace and our proper response to it. The words
"thanks" and "giving" reflect the cycle of gratitude and
generosity inherent in our love of God and love for others.
Sunday, November 5, 2023
Grace: One Day at a Time (Randy)
Have you ever worried about the future or fretted over
regrets from the past? Intuitively, we know these behaviors are unhealthy and
might even remember that Jesus warns against them, but how does God’s grace
factor in? Where is it when we are in our deepest despair?
In this lesson, we explore how God’s promise of grace is as sure as the sunrise,
but how and when God dispenses it differs from how many of us would like God to
operate, and that leads us astray. Listen to see how God’s
presence and grace actually works in our lives.
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Grace: Grace in Celebration and Sorrow Part 2 (Chris)
Our fall series has
been exploring the fundamental role of grace in our faith. We again will
consider "applied grace." How does God's grace engage with us
personally, particularly in our best moments and in our worst?
We also will consider Christ's teaching in John 15 to "abide in me." What does this mean, and how can the teaching help us to live more grace-filled lives?
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Grace: Grace in Celebration and Sorrow Part 1 (Chris)
Our fall series has
been exploring the fundamental role of grace in our faith. For the next
two weeks, we will consider "applied grace." How does God's
grace engage with us personally, particularly in our best moments and in our
We will start with Christ's teaching in John 15 to "abide in me." We then will explore episodes of celebration and sorrow in the Bible and will examine how God's grace was present. (Hint: the Holy Spirit was involved.)
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Grace: Grace First! (Chris)
Grace expresses the
transformational love of God in our lives. It is the foundation of our
salvation and the essence of our relationship with Christ. It also should
be the FIRST element of our faith.
This week, we will
continue exploring the nature of grace and its power in our lives. We
will reflect on how grace relates to other elements of discipleship like trust,
obedience, peace, and joy. We also will consider a provocative question:
are you in love with God? We hope you enjoy this conversation.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
Grace: A World of Ungrace (Randy)
Grace is one of the most unnatural things in the world, and
it is unique to our Christian faith. However, we live in a culture of ungrace
which makes it difficult for us to accept God’s grace and live the transformed
lives God promises. Where does this ungrace come from, and how do we overcome
it? Join us tomorrow to explore these questions.
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Grace: Transformational Grace (Chris)
Grace is one of the most important concepts in
Christian belief. It is the essence of our salvation and the means by
which we are restored to a right relationship with God through the redemption
of Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit. Nonetheless, grace can be
hard to understand and can seem difficult to obtain.
Our series this fall explores God's grace and how it
has been illuminated and experienced by some of the great Christian believers
and teachers through the ages. The first program is based on a sermon by
Rev. Tim Keller, "The Grace of God," and focuses on Ephesians 2
verses 1-10.
This week, we will explore what grace is, why it is critical to our faith, and how it is delivered and received. In particular, we will consider grace as indispensable, costly, and transformational.
Sunday, May 21, 2023
Godly Success: What is Good to God? (Chris)
After a season of considering the question, "What is
success to God?", it turns out that the Bible offers at least one simple
answer. Micah 6:8 tells us to do justice, to love kindness, and to walk
humbly with our God. We will consider the meaning and application of this
text in the final lesson of this series. We also will offer an
appreciation for the Reverend Tim Keller -- one of Randy and Chris's favorite
Christian thinkers and teachers -- who passed on to heaven this week.
Sunday, May 7, 2023
Godly Success: Absolute Grace (Randy)
In one of our first lessons of this series on Godly Success,
we examined the Sermon on the Mount and discovered how it showed us two
important points: 1) God’s ideal is absolute and 2) God’s grace is absolute.
Tomorrow, we will dig into Absolute Grace even further and discuss what
it is and how we can respond to it. We can’t even begin to understand God’s
idea of success until we embrace his grace and let its true meaning soak all
the way down to the core of our soul.
Sunday, April 30, 2023
Godly Success: Success in Society (Randy)
For thousands of years, God sent prophets to Israel to teach the people about him, and they began to view following the law as the path to righteousness and acceptance in God’s eyes. By the time Jesus was born, the Pharisees had codified the law into over 600 specific rules and added thousands of additional precepts and guidelines. Like us, they knew their main goal was to love God and one another, yet they failed miserably. In many ways, we are like modern-day Pharisees, striving to follow the rules and live a moral, upright life as if that will somehow save us. Is that what God truly desires? Is that what it means to live a successful life? Knowing the nature of our hearts, God spoke to us not only through words, but also through his actions on earth. What do the incarnation, crucifixion, and resurrection tell us about the true nature of Godly success?
Listen to Success in Society
Sunday, April 23, 2023
Godly Success: God's Society Part 2 (Chris)
This Sunday, we will continue the conversation started last
week about what God considers a successful society. Society is made up of
the elements that bring people together in life: family, neighborhood,
community, country. Our lives are made up largely of the relationships
that exist within these elements. Considering the nature of God (love /
justice; order / inversion) and the teachings of Jesus, how are we called to
live engaged with each other? We will consider several passages of
Scripture connecting these themes together.
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Godly Success: God's Society Part 1 (Chris)
Society is made up of
the elements that bring people together in life: family, neighborhood,
community, country. Our lives are made up largely of the relationships
that exist within these elements. Considering the nature of God (love /
justice; order / inversion) and the teachings of Jesus, how are we called to
live engaged with each other? This session is discussion-focused, and we
will consider several passages of Scripture connecting these themes together.
Sunday, April 2, 2023
Godly Success: God's Economy (Chris)
The old adage is that
politics and religion are two subjects you should avoid in polite company.
In our world of 21st Century American materialism, economics may be an
even bigger landmine. There is a reason that Jesus preached so often on
money. We can get very anxious ourselves on the topic and quick to wall
off what is "mine" from what is "yours." Continuing
last week's theme, what is success to God when it comes to economics? The
short reply is "stewardship," but the New Testament offers even more subtle
and challenging answers. This week, we will explore the Parable of the
Workers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16) and the practices of the early
Christian church for lessons that still apply to us today.
Sunday, March 26, 2023
Godly Success: Success in Economics (Randy)
That brings us to this week’s question: How does God view
success when it comes to the economic sphere? A month ago, we studied the
famous passage in Mark 12:13-17 where Jesus says we must “give to Caesar the
things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” We learned that
the Kingdom of God is something entirely different from the one dimensional (or
two dimensional if you heard Chris’s excellent lesson last week) view of
politics. Can we say the same about economics, and if so, how does it
inform our behavior in the market?
Sunday, March 19, 2023
Godly Success: Justice, Love, and Politics (Chris)
Continuing the theme
from February 26th, this session explores Biblical justice and love as they
apply to politics and civil society. What is God's perspective on social
order and social engagement? Using the work of Rev. Martin Luther King,
Jr., how can we better understand and balance our role as citizens and our
commitments as disciples of Christ? Ultimately, what does Jesus us tell
us about how we are to live in a fractured and fragmented world?
Sunday, February 26, 2023
Godly Success: Success in Politics (Randy)
How does God view success when it comes to the political sphere?
We live in charged times, and it is difficult to know what God wants from us as
we wrestle with the issues of our day. This is not new, though. The Pharisees
and Herodians tried to trap Jesus by asking him politically charged questions
2000 year ago: Specifically, “Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not?" By
studying the famous passage in Mark 12:13-17), we will try to make sense of how we should view
and engage with politics today.
Sunday, February 19, 2023
Godly Success: The Soul of Life (Chris)
Intelligence has been headline news, and new technology is imitating humans
more closely than ever before. Predictions abound about how A.I. will
"disrupt" the world. Lost in the fanfare is a simple but
critical truth: computers have no soul. There are essential
characteristics of being human -- including faith, awe, and wonder -- that a
machine never can replicate or replace. As we continue our series on
Godly Success, we consider what it means to be created in God's image.
Our model is Ruth, ancestor of Jesus. How does her story of
courage, sacrifice, and love reveal God and illustrate Godly Success?
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Godly Success: Seeking Guidance (Randy)
Answering the question, “What does God view as a successful
life?” invariably leads to the twin topics of guidance and divine will.
Specifically, our desire to serve God impels us to ask him for guidance on his
will for our lives. But what does the Bible say about seeking God’s guidance,
and how do we go about doing it? Using Psalm 25 and Ephesians 2:9-10 as our
Scriptural references, we will focus on these questions and discuss the
profound implications of God’s grace and Christ’s saving action on the
direction we should go.
Sunday, February 5, 2023
Godly Success: God's Own Heart (King David) (Chris)
King David is one of the most important and fascinating
figures in the Bible. On the one hand, he is described as “a man after
God’s own heart.” (What more could be said of anyone!) On the other
hand, he was a serial sinner who violated multiple Commandments and made
repeated mistakes in every area. How can we understand this seeming
contradiction? Our lesson looks at an obscure but marvelous episode in
David’s life (2 Samuel 9) showing his radical humility and generosity.
These traits made David beloved to God — “successful” — and placed him at
the head of Jesus’ own family tree.
Sunday, January 29, 2023
Godly Success: The Sermon Says It All (Randy)
We are in a series exploring how God defines success. Two weeks ago, we introduced the idea that we are so heavily influenced by our fallen state and the culture in which we live that we are prone to define success in secular terms: We want to be happy and fulfilled, and we expect to get there by achieving some purpose such as accumulating money, power, fame, beauty, comfort, relationships, and more. All of these are means by which we attempt to control our world, attain self-worth, and satisfy the void in our soul, but none of them can fully satisfy us, and all of them will disappoint us at some point or another.
God defines success very differently, and we are fortunate that Jesus lays out that definition in the Sermon on the Mount. There’s no place in the Bible where we get a better view into how God wants us to live our lives. But, reading the Sermon on the Mount can be devastating. Who can live up to such a standard
In this lesson, we go straight to the heart of the gospel to define how God views success and wants us to live our lives.
Listen to: The Sermon Says It All
Sunday, January 22, 2023
Godly Success: A Calling from God (Chris)
Abraham is presented in the
Bible as the Father of Faith in Almighty God. He is the ancestor to which
all monotheistic religions trace back. His story also provides a powerful
model of "Godly Success."
If Abraham is our model, then what is faith? Belief applied through a call from God.
If Abraham is our model, then what is faith? Belief applied through a call from God.
This class explores the five
elements of a Godly Call:
1) A call makes a request.
2) A call includes a promise.
3) A call provides an identity.
4) A call involves tests.
5) A call produces rewards.
1) A call makes a request.
2) A call includes a promise.
3) A call provides an identity.
4) A call involves tests.
5) A call produces rewards.
By considering Abraham, we will
ask a question of ourselves. What is your call? How do you follow
We hope you will join us to explore these questions!
We hope you will join us to explore these questions!
Sunday, January 15, 2023
Godly Success: Worldly, Religious, and Godly Success (Randy)
What is success for God, and how does it differ from how we
think about it? The dictionary defines success as “achieving an aim or
purpose,” but I think a more complete definition would read, “achieving an aim
or purpose so we can feel good about ourselves.” Herein lies the rub.
Whether we pursue worldly success or religious success, we tend to do so
motivated by our own, self-centered needs. This gets us in trouble, and we end
up making an idol of whatever we deem as success whether we realize it or not.
In tomorrow’s lesson, we will explore the similarities and differences between
worldly, religious, and Godly success, and use that as a springboard to
approach the topic of Godly success with an appropriate level of humility.
Sunday, January 8, 2023
Godly Success: Good and Faithful Servants (Chris)
New Series: Godly Success
First Session: "Good and Faithful Servants"
First Session: "Good and Faithful Servants"
This week we begin a
new series based on a simple question: "What is success to God?"
As the old saying
goes, "Begin with the end in mind." If our aim in life is to
stand someday in heaven and to hear our Lord say the words, "Well done,
good and faithful servant," how does that goal translate into living now?
What does God value? How do our own unique abilities and opportunities
relate to God's kingdom? Where can we find solid direction in an unstable
world hostile to Godly purposes and priorities? How also can we escape
the trap of a culture that prioritizes "achievements" and
"accomplishments" over humble obedience?
Thankfully, Scripture
provides us with numerous examples of "good and faithful servants."
This series will focus weekly on people from the Bible and will explore
how they lived in service to God with an emphasis on their fulfillment of
Jesus' two Great Commandments: love God and love others. The first
session this week will hone in on the goal itself. What does it mean to
be a "good and faithful servant"?
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