Sunday, December 15, 2024

Light, Hope, and Transformation (Chris)

As we prepare to celebrate Christmas, this Sunday’s lesson explores how Jesus's birth and our response to it can be understood in the context of light, hope, and transformation.  Recognizing that the holiday season can be difficult as well as festive, we also will consider three universal elements of our faith experience: grief, gratitude, and generosity.

Sunday, December 8, 2024

Transformed by Hope (Randy)

In this lesson, we explore how Christian hope transforms our lives during the Advent season. In our series Transformational Faith, we’ve been asking, "How do we grow as Christians?" This lesson focuses on the assured hope found in Jesus Christ—rooted in his birth, resurrection, and the promise of his Second Coming. We'll examine how this hope transforms our priorities, pain, and perspective, motivating us to live boldly and joyfully. Join us as we celebrate the hope of Advent and discover how it reshapes us from the inside out.

Sunday, November 24, 2024

Transformed by Gratitude (Randy)

In keeping with the season, tomorrow we will explore the true nature of gratitude and how it contributes to the transformation of our minds through faith in Christ. We will compare how Christian gratitude differs from worldly gratitude, and how it leads to peace, resilience, and a transformed Christian life.

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Being Like Christ (Chris)

We continue this week to explore what it means to be made new in Christ.  First, we will see that spiritual transformation is not a solo pursuit.  Our purpose in metamorphosis is to be part of "the body of Christ."  At the same time, our own "Holy Transformation" is essential.  Focusing on "Inputs" in life is a starting point to being filled by Christ through the Holy Spirit.  The result is more love for God and for others.

Sunday, November 10, 2024

Our True Identity (Chris)

Continuing our series about spiritual transformation, we will explore the essence of our faith.  How are we connected to God through Christ and the Holy Spirit?  What is our true identity as disciples?  We hope you will come to consider further God’s calling for you.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Transformed by the Gospel (Randy)

This week, we continue our Transformational Faith series with a lesson I will lead called “Transformed by the Gospel.” We will explore the powerful difference between traditional religion and a living faith. We'll dive into Galatians 3:1-10, where Paul challenges the Galatians' reliance on the law and reveals how true transformation comes not from “trying harder” but through faith in Christ alone. We’ll discuss how the gospel doesn’t just save us but continually transforms us as we live by the Spirit. Learn how to identify areas in your life where you may be striving under the law and discover how to embrace the fullness of grace found in Christ's work on the cross.

Sunday, October 27, 2024

How Are We Transformed As Diciples? (Chris)

So far in our "Transformational Faith" series, we've seen that fully accepting Christ causes a spiritual metamorphosis in our lives.  Tomorrow, we will explore how these changes take place by being emptied and refilled through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

What is Transformational Faith? (Randy)

This Sunday’s lesson explores the journey of faith and transformation, using the lives of John and Charles Wesley as a foundation. We will begin with a biographical overview of the Wesley brothers, highlighting their devout upbringing and struggles with faith, leading to their eventual spiritual awakening. From there, we will shift to a broader discussion on the difference between mere religious practice and true, living faith. Using scriptures from Romans 12 and Philippians 2, we will explore the concept of transformation, emphasizing that real spiritual change comes not from trying harder, but from a deep, abiding relationship with Jesus Christ. Join us as we begin our series on “Transformational Faith!”

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Transformational Faith (Chris)

We will use tomorrow’s class to kick off our fall series: Transformational Faith. It’s one thing to make Jesus our Savior, but what does a transformed life look like and how does God transform us from the inside out through the Holy Spirit? Join us as we begin to explore these questions and deepen our faith together.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Door Will Be Opened (Randy)

Tomorrow, we will explore the inspiration behind the metaphor of an “open door” by looking at Luke 11:9-13 (Ask, Seek, Knock) and Revelation 3:19-22 (I stand at the door and knock). God calls us to seek him, yet we tend to focus on his blessings more than the Blesser. He draws close to us, yet the busyness of life causes us to keep him at a distance. In this lesson, we will explore how God acts on our heart, how we can respond in faith, and how engaging in a relationship with Jesus Christ enriches our lives beyond measure.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

An Open Door Family (Chris)

This is a special Sunday for our class.  As Open Door and Family Ties combine, we will consider what it means to be "An Open Door Family" as sisters and brothers of Christ and children of almighty God.  The power and promise of following Jesus are amazing and wonderful!  Let's celebrate the blessings we've been given as we start a new year of Bible study, fellowship, and discipleship together.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Encounters with Jesus: Love is Our Treasure (Chris)

In the final lesson of our "Encounters with Jesus" series, we consider the last encounter that Christ himself chose just before his crucifixion.  It was a moment of humility and tenderness that shocked his disciples and showed intimately what following him is all about.  Listen to the lesson to hear about this demonstration of love by Jesus and what it means for us and our lives in Christ.

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Encounters with Jesus: Big Faith (Chris)

Have you ever been worried or anxious?  Of course you have!  Fear is part of the human condition.  It also is the enemy of faith and of faithful action.  This week, Chris will lead us as we look at a teaching from Jesus, the personal example of Jesus, and an encounter with Jesus that help to address how we can faithfully overcome our fears and can be more like the bold and empowered people God intends for us to be.

Listen to Big Faith

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Encounters with Jesus: Overcoming Evil (Chris)

This week, we will consider Matthew 3:13 to 4:11 -- the baptism and temptation of Christ.  Our "Encounters with Jesus" in the Gospels so far have been with ordinary people and have helped to illuminate the different ways in which we engage with Christ as he engages with us.  Now, we will see how Jesus interacted with supernatural entities: his father the Lord God and the devil.  The fate of creation was at stake, and how Christ dealt with evil has much to teach us about our own relationship with the broken world around us.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Encounters with Jesus: The Woman at the Well (Randy)

Through Jesus's amazing encounter with the Woman at the Well, we see how God seeks the least and lost (including us), how we tend to misunderstand him and his offer, and how our lives can be transformed when we finally “get it.” Based on how most Christians behave, myself included, it is clear that most of us tend to miss out on the eternal blessings that Jesus promises. Come and see what Jesus has to offer us this Sunday!

Listen to the Woman at the Well

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Encounters with Jesus: Living Fully in God's Love (Chris)

This Sunday, Chris leads us into our next Encounter with Jesus. Specifically, the encounter between Jesus and Jewish leader Nicodemus produced the most famous verse in the Bible.  You likely can quote John 3:16 by heart: "For God so loved the world...."

This week, we will explore how the conviction and conflict experienced by Nicodemus parallels our own opportunities and challenges as Christ's disciples.  What does Jesus ask of us, and how should we respond?

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Encounters with Jesus: Easter Transformations (Chris)

Last week in "Encounters with Jesus," we recognized Mary Magdalen as "The First Christian" based on her meeting with the risen Christ on the original Easter morning.  Continuing the theme, this week we will review other eyewitnesses to the resurrected Jesus.  Each person had a different experience based on their individual needs and circumstances.  Likewise, each of us has a unique connection to Jesus.  What can we learn from the first disciples as we prepare for our own Easter witness?

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Encounters with Jesus: The First Christian (Chris)

Continuing our series "Encounters with Jesus," this week we will explore the hinge of history: Christ's resurrection.  More specifically, we will see how Mary Magdalen meeting the risen Christ in John chapter 20 demonstrates what Christian faith is and how it transforms us.  We will see that the first Christians were just like us and will consider how their testimony in the Gospels is a foundation for our own faith in Jesus.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Encounters with Jesus: Atonement and Celebration (Chris)

This week, we will explore the Jesus' first miracle of turning water into wine at the wedding in John 2:1-11.  As in the other "Encounters with Jesus" there is a rich and important depth of meaning for us in the story.

In these few verses, Jesus reveals his glory as the Messiah, his purpose in coming into the world on our behalf, the nature of sin and salvation, and the amazing, incomprehensible joy that awaits us now and forever as restored sons and daughters of Almighty God.   

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Whose Land Is It? Part 2 (Bob Daffer)

The week we cover Part 2 of Bob Daffer's lesson on the history of Israel.

 With all the turmoil in Israel today, the question arises: Whose land is it, and what can scripture tell us about it?” Join us for the next two weeks as we discover God's plan for Israel which will reveal not only scripture, but history, miracles, and mysteries addressing an issue that has the world on fire.

Listen to Whose Land Is It? (Part 2)

The Oracle by Jonathan Cahn - This is the book Bob based much of his lesson on.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Whose Land Is It? Part 1 (Bob Daffer)

The week and next, we will take a slight detour from our Encounters with Jesus theme and explore the region where people encountered Jesus in the first place. You may remember a few weeks ago when I mistakenly said, “Jesus walked the dusty streets of Palestine” Bob Daffer correctly shared that Palestine didn’t exist back then. It was just Israel!
With all the turmoil in Israel today, the question arises: Whose land is it, and what can scripture tell us about it?” Join us for the next two weeks as we discover God's plan for Israel which will reveal not only scripture, but history , miracles, and mysteries addressing an issue that has the world on fire. Bob Daffer will lead us through this exploration.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

Encounters with Jesus: Christ's Identity and Resurrection (Chris)

The week further explores Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead in Chapter 11 of John's Gospel.  Two essential aspects of our faith are revealed in this passage: the identity of Jesus and the reality of the Resurrection.
How Jesus engages with Lazarus's sisters Martha and Mary unveils his nature as 100% God and 100% human.  How he approaches Lazarus reveals the full extent of his position and power.  The whole episode then sets up the ultimate victory over death Christ achieved for us on the cross.  That victory and later encounters with Jesus after he was raised empowered the entire Christian movement.
These two elements of discipleship -- the identity of Jesus and the reality of the Resurrection -- are stumbling blocks for nonbelievers and can be difficult for us as well.  Through the eyewitness encounters of the early Christians and the power of the Holy Spirit, we can know that our Redeemer lives.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Encounters with Jesus: The Grieving Sisters (Randy)

This week, we continue our Encounters with Jesus series with a lesson called The Grieving Sisters. As things escalated with the Pharisees and other religious leaders, Jesus’s dear friend Lazarus died. Against the warnings of his disciples who didn’t want him to go anywhere near Jerusalem for fear for his life, Jesus made his way to Bethany where he encountered Lazarus’s sisters, Mary and Martha, who were distraught over their brother’s death. Both asked why he hadn’t gotten there sooner, not fully realizing what Jesus was about to do. Then, in one of the most dramatic episodes in the Bible, Jesus calls Lazarus out from his tomb.  The exchanges point to the fallen state of our world and what God has done about it, and how we, too, can be much like Mary and Martha without fully comprehending what Jesus can do in our lives.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Encounters with Jesus: The Insider and Outsider (Chris)

This week, we continue our series, "Encounters with Jesus."  The eyewitness writers of the Gospels record powerful accounts of how Christ engaged the people with whom he came into contact.  Each episode reveals something important about Jesus and something instructive for us.

Chris leads us as we look at two powerful conversations from the Gospel of John.  In a short span of time, Jesus spoke with a powerful male insider (John 3) and a distressed female outcast (John 4).  These mirrored exchanges reveal answers to two fundamental questions: what is wrong with the world, and what should we do about it?

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Encounters with Jesus: Skeptical of Jesus (Randy)

We will kick off our new series called Encounters with Jesus, inspired by Tim Keller’s book by the same name. This first lesson, “Skeptical of Jesus,” is based on Nathanael’s reaction when he first heard about Jesus. Our scripture will be John 1:1-5,14, 43-51.  What gets in the way of seeing Jesus for who he really is? How does that impact our faith and our lives? How can we overcome it? As Philip responded to Nathanael at the time, “Come and see!”