Sunday, January 19, 2025

Following the Way: Following Jesus (Randy)

In this lesson, we explore what it means to follow Jesus and how following him transforms every aspect of our lives. First, Jesus calls us to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily which challenges the cultural focus on self-fulfillment and shows us how our true identity is found in him. Second, Jesus teaches that following Him must take priority over everything else. Finally, we’ll explore how experiencing Jesus’ sacrificial love on the cross transforms our hearts, giving us the strength to follow him fully.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Following the Way: Who is in Charge of Your Life? (Chris)

Chris kicked off the new year with a lesson called, “Following the Way: Who is in Charge of Your Life?” When Christ recruited his disciples, he did so with a simple command: "Follow me."  After his resurrection, the growing Jesus movement self-identified as "Followers of the Way" -- HIS way.  Our series this spring will explore what it means to follow Jesus and to experience true life transformation.  We will start by asking a fundamental question, who is in charge of our lives?